Should I get home loan pre-approval before bidding at auction?
Preparing to bid at an auction is equal parts nerve-wracking and exciting. For many, this is the biggest financial decision you’ll ever have to make, so getting all of your ducks in a row is essential. Pre-approval is no exception.
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The Impact Of Interest Rates On The Property Market
Traditionally, property prices have been closely linked to the rise and fall of interest rates. But not necessarily in 2023. In this article, we wanted to look at what is causing this unusual trend and whether interest rates play an overstated role in shaping the property market.
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Six Tips for Negotiating A Better Interest Rate with Your Lender
Negotiating doesn't have to be difficult, and there are several things you can do to maximise your position and get the lowest possible rate for your home loan. In this blog, we'll outline six great tips to prepare you for negotiating a better rate with your lender.
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