Cash Flow Management

Achieve Financial Stability With Expert Cash Flow Management

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Melbourne Accountants & Mortgage Brokers | Elephant Advisory

Cash Flow Management for Small Businesses

Poor cash flow management is the leading cause of small business failures. Without sufficient access to funds, your business runs the risk of not being able to pay bills, suppliers, staff, tax obligations and investments.

With our accountants, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of your cash flow patterns, identify areas for improvement, and mitigate potential risks. We work closely with you to develop customized strategies that enhance cash flow efficiency, ensuring that your business stays financially stable and resilient.

Don't let cash flow constraints hold your business back.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take control of your cash flow for a prosperous future.

Assessment and Analysis

We begin by conducting a comprehensive assessment of your business's current cash flow situation. This involves analysing your financial statements, identifying cash flow patterns, and understanding the key factors impacting your cash flow.

Forecasting and Budgeting

We develop a cash flow forecast and budget to project your future income and expenses. This includes estimating cash inflows from sales, receivables, and investments, as well as forecasting cash outflows for expenses, payables, and debt servicing.

Expense Management and Optimisation

We'll review your expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced or optimised. This may involve renegotiating vendor contracts, implementing cost-cutting measures, finding more affordable solutions and prioritising essential expenditures. By managing expenses effectively, you can free up cash for other critical business needs.

Receivables and Payables Management

We'll implement strategies to improve the management of your accounts receivable and accounts payable. This includes setting clear payment terms for customers, establishing efficient invoicing and collection processes, and negotiating favourable payment terms with suppliers. Managing these areas effectively helps ensure timely cash inflows and controlled cash outflows.

Monitoring and Review

We'll continuously monitor your cash flow performance by comparing actual results against your forecasted figures. This includes regularly reviewing your financial statements, cash flow reports, and key performance indicators to identify any deviations or areas that require adjustments. We'll also make necessary revisions to your forecast and strategies to maintain optimal cash flow management.

oz with client Melbourne Accountants & Mortgage Brokers | Elephant Advisory

Leading Cash Flow Managers

At Elephant Advisory, we understand that cash flow is the heartbeat of any business, and it requires expert management to thrive.

With our forward-thinking approach, we anticipate potential cash flow challenges and opportunities, enabling you to make informed decisions that drive growth and profitability.

Contact us for comprehensive assistance on cash flow forecasting, budgeting, planning and more.

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5 tips for managing your business’s cash flow

Effective cash flow management requires constant focus and organisation. Whilst your business may succeed at earning a profit, you can easily find yourself struggling to pay off necessary business costs. Here's five tips that will help.

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A cash flow management chart written on a black board
cash flow management resources
xero woman smiling Melbourne Accountants & Mortgage Brokers | Elephant Advisory
xero accounting

We Use Xero For Cash Flow Management...

With cloud-based accounting software like Xero, collaboration between business owners and accountants has never been easier. Xero empowers business owners to manage their finances, track transactions in real-time, and access their accounts from anywhere, making it our accounting platform of choice.

Don't worry if you're unfamiliar with Xero's cloud-based software - we're here to help. Get in touch with our experienced accounting team in Melbourne to receive expert guidance and support as you embark on your Xero journey.

A growing set of apps and add-ons
Brilliant software support for small business
Real-time business reporting
Secure control of user access
Scalable with your growth
Cloud-based accounting saves you time
Access your accounts from anywhere in the world
Easy-to-use software for small business accounting
Excellent cash flow management capabilities

Learn more about how we use Xero and how it can help your business

xero accounting

Meet our Cash Flow Managers

Sam Draper and Oz Karabadjak are two highly-skilled accounting professionals with extensive experience growing small businesses in Melbourne. As CPA and Chartered Accountants, the pair had been on their own small business journey for two years before merging with Elephant Advisory in 2021.

Today, Sam and Oz have built long-lasting relationships with each client through genuine care for their work. If there’s one thing these Melbourne small business bookkeepers love more than crunching numbers, it’s watching a client achieve their business goals.

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Elephant Advisory

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Many business owners fall into the same tax traps, leading to unnecessary costs during the critical early stages of your business journey. In this article, we’ve outlined five of the most common types of tax mistakes that small business owners make and the steps you can take to avoid them.

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Elephant Advisory

A Beginner’s Guide To Xero's Accounting Software

At Elephant Advisory, our accounting software of choice is Xero. As we encourage our clients to use Xero when working with us, we wanted to create a comprehensive beginner's guide to help small business owners get set up with the software.

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"Starting a hospitality business requires a combination of hands-on skills, a passion for working with people, and adequate funding to get off the ground. But ultimately, a key ingredient in your sustained success and profitability will also depend on having sound accounting practices in place to manage the financial and legal side of your business."

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Cash Flow Management FAQs

We charge clients depending on factors such as the size of the business and complexity of the solutions. By booking a consultation with our accounting team, we'll be able to understand the level of support you need and formulate a pricing structure accordingly.

Effective cash flow management can provide several benefits, including improved financial planning, better decision-making, increased profitability, reduced debt, enhanced ability to handle emergencies, and increased confidence from lenders and investors.

Regularly reviewing and updating your cash flow forecast is vital for staying on top of your business's financial health. It is recommended to review your cash flow forecast monthly or quarterly, depending on the nature and size of your business.

Effective cash flow management is vital for any small business. We believe that getting the right help with managing your cash flow is imperative. Accountants can provide expert guidance, help you create accurate cash flow forecasts, identify areas for improvement, and offer strategies tailored to your specific business needs.

frequently asked questions