SMSF Administration Melbourne

If you have chosen a personal investment strategy, our Self-Managed Super Fund accountants will help you reach your financial and retirement goals.

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Are you looking for SMSF accountants in Melbourne?

A Self-Managed Super Fund will give you greater flexibility and control over the investment strategy of your superannuation. However, being an SMSF trustee comes with the responsibility to make sure that extensive compliance and regulation are being met.

Our Self-Managed Super Fund accountants specialise in taking away the burden of SMSF administration so that you can focus on what matters. We provide expert assistance with SMSF set up, financial statements, SMSF tax returns and audit recommendation.

For a free consultation with our SMSF administrators, give us a call or come in for a chat at our Mount Waverley, Port Melbourne or Chadstone offices.


Looking to start a Self-Managed Super Fund but don’t know where or how to start? If a registered financial planner has provided you with a Statement of Advice, we can help with your SMSF set up and handle the time-consuming administration requirements.

Financial Statements & Compliance

As a trustee of a Self-Managed Super Fund, it’s easy to drown in the many complex regulations and hurdles that are requested by the ATO. Our SMSF accountants will sift through the complexity and help you understand your obligations, taking the stress of annual compliance off your shoulders. We’ll also prepare all necessary financial statements which include: Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss, Notes to the Financial Statements, Annual Trustee Minutes, Member Statements

SMSF Tax Returns

Doing your individual tax returns can be complicated, let alone when you’re doing them for a Self-Managed Super Fund. For the SMSF accounting team, it’s our bread and butter. Let us take care of your SMSF tax returns while you take care of… literally anything else.

Auditor Recommendation

Your SMSF must be audited each year by an auditor independent to both the fund and the SMSF accountant or administrator. We’ll provide you with recommendations for third-party auditors to make the auditing process as pain-free for you as possible.


Is a Self-Managed Super Fund right for you?

If you're thinking about using a SMSF to set up your retirement, you might not know all of the pros and cons of this strategy. To help prepare you for an enormous financial decision, our SMSF accountants delve into whether an Self-Managed Super Fund is the right path for your superannuation.

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smsf resources

Meet Your SMSF Accountants

Sam Draper and Oz Karabadjak are two highly-skilled accounting professionals with extensive experience growing small businesses in Melbourne. As CPA and Chartered Accountants, the pair had been on their own small business journey for two years before merging with Elephant Advisory in 2021.

Today, Sam and Oz have built long-lasting relationships with each client through genuine care for their work. If there’s one thing these Melbourne small business accountants love more than crunching numbers, it’s watching a client achieve their business goals.

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Self Managed Super Funds (SMSF) FAQs

We can only help if a Statement of Advice is provided by a registered financial planner. We are not able to provide financial or investment advice for your SMSF.

An SMSF provides greater flexibility and control in terms of your  investments, putting you in the drivers seat of your retirement plan. Potentially, this can mean your retirement portfolio outperforms a traditional superannuation fund.

The starting price is typically $1,500, however it will depend on the complexity of the SMSF.

The concessional tax rate of 15% typically applies, just like in other superannuation funds.

frequently asked questions

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